5 Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles

In this blog, we are discussing 5 trigonometry math problems with triangles and their solutions using trigonometry which include several properties of triangles like cosine rule, sine rule, projection formula, etc

Problem 1: Radius of the Circumcircle of the Triangle

Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles 1: Find the radius of the circumcircle of the triangle

Triangle ABC’s sides are AB = 9 cm, BC = 8 cm, and AC = 6 cm. Then find the radius of the circumcircle of the triangle

Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles 1: Find the radius of the circumcircle of the triangle

Solution: Radius of the circumcircle of the triangle

Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles 1: Find the radius of the circumcircle of the triangle

Let’s assume ∠BAC = x

Apply the Cosine rule in triangle ABC

BC² = AB² + AC² – 2 × AB × AC × cos ∠BAC

⇒ 8² = 9² + 6² – 2 × 9 × 6 × cos x

⇒ 64 = 81 + 36 – 108cos x

⇒ 64 = 81 + 36 – 108cos x

⇒ 53 = 108cos x

⇒ cos x = 53/108

sin² x + cos² = 1

⇒ sin² x + 53²/108² = 1

⇒ sin² x + 53²/108²

⇒ sin² x = 1 – 2809/11664 = 8855/11664

⇒ sin x = √8855/108

Now use the Sine rule

Diameter of Circumcircle = BC/sin x

Diameter of Circumcircle = 8/(√8855/108) = 864/√8855 cm

Radius of the Circumcircle = 8/(√8855/108) = 432/√8855 cm

Problem 2: Length of the Median

Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles 2: Find the length of the median of the triangle

Triangle ABC’s sides are AB = 12 cm, BC = 10 cm, and AC = 8 cm. Then find the length of the median of the triangle ABC from A to side BC.

Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles 2: Find the length of the median of the triangle

Solution: Length of the median.

Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles 2: Find the length of the median of the triangle

Let’s assume AP = y and ∠ACB = x

Apply the Cosine rule in triangle ABC

AB² = AC² + BC² – 2 × AC × BC × cos ∠ACB

⇒ 12² = 8² + 10² – 2 × 8 × 10 × cos x

⇒ 144 = 64 + 100 – 160cos x

⇒ 160cos x = 20

⇒ cos x = 1/8

Apply the Cosine rule in triangle APC

AP² = AC² + PC² – 2 × AC × PC × cos ∠ACB

⇒ y² = 8² + 5² – 2 × 8 × 5 × cos x

⇒ y² = 64 + 25 – 80 × 1/8

⇒ y² = 79

⇒ Length of the median = AP = y = √79 cm

Problem 3: Find the Height of the Triangle

Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles 3: Find the Height of the Triangle

From triangle ABC, AB = 12 cm, ∠BAC = 30° and ∠ABC = 45°, Then find the height of the triangle

Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles 3: Find the Height of the Triangle

Solution: Height of the Triangle

Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles 3: Find the Height of the Triangle

Let’s assume AD = a and BD = b

From figure,

tan ∠BAC = CD/AD

⇒ tan 30 = h/a

⇒ 1/√3 = h/a

⇒ a = h√3

tan ∠ABC = CD/BD

⇒ tan 45 = h/b

⇒ 1 = h/b

⇒ b = h

a + b = 12 = h√3 + h

⇒ h(√3 + 1) = 12

⇒ h = 12/(√3 + 1)

⇒ h = 6√3 – 6 cm

⇒ Height of the Triangle, h = 6√3 – 6 cm

Problem 4: Area of the Irregular Polygon

Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles 4: Find the area of the Irregular Polygon formed by combining 4 equal squares.

An L-shaped Irregular polygon is inscribed inside the right-angle triangle ABC. The L-shaped Irregular polygon PQRST is formed by combining 4 equal squares. If AB = 13 cm and ∠ABC = 45°, then find the area of the L-shaped Irregular polygon.

Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles 4: Find the area of the Irregular Polygon formed by combining 4 equal squares.

Solution: Area of the Irregular Polygon

Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles 4: Find the area of the Irregular Polygon formed by combining 4 equal squares.

Let’s assume the sides of the square = a and ∠TPU = x

PQ = TU = TS = a (side of the square)

PU = 2a

RS = 2a

Apply Pythagoras theorem in triangle PTU

PT² = PU² + TU²

⇒ PT² = (2a)² + a²

⇒ PT² = 4a² + a² = 5a²

⇒ PT = a√5


sin ∠TPU = TU/PT

⇒ sin x = a/a√5

⇒ sin x = 1/√5

cos ∠TPU = PU/PT

⇒ cos x = 2a/a√5

⇒ cos x = 2/√5

From triangle PQV

sin ∠PQV = PV/PQ

⇒ sin x = PV/a

⇒ 1/√5 = PV/a

⇒ PV = a/√5

cos ∠PQV = QV/PQ

⇒ cos x = QV/a

⇒ 2/√5 = QV/a

⇒ QV = 2a/√5

From triangle AVQ

tan ∠VAQ = VQ/AV

⇒ tan 45 = 2a/√5/AV

⇒ 1 = 2a/√5/AV

⇒ AV = 2a/√5

Apply Pythagoras theorem in triangle TSR

TR² = ST² + SR²

⇒ TR² = a² + (2a)² = a² + 4a² = 5a²

⇒ TR = a√5

From triangle TBR

tan ∠VAQ = TR/TB

⇒ tan 45 = a√5/TB

⇒ 1 = a√5/TB

⇒ TB = a√5

AB = AV + VP + PT + TB

⇒ AB = 2a/√5 + a/√5 + a√5 + a√5

⇒ 13 = 3a/√5 + 2a√5

⇒ 13√5 = 3a + 10a

⇒ 13√5 = 13a

⇒ a = √5

Area of L-shaped Irregular polygon PQRST = 4 × Area of the Square

⇒ Area of L-shaped Irregular polygon PQRST = 4 × a² = 4 × 5

⇒ Area of L-shaped Irregular polygon PQRST = 20 cm²

Problem 5: Area of the Triangle

Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles 5: Find the area of the triangle

From the figure, triangle ABC is a right-angled triangle, ∠BAC = 30°, ∠BPC = 60° and AP = 5 cm then find the area of the triangle ABC.

Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles 5: Find the area of the triangle

Solution: Area of the triangle

Trigonometry Math Problems with Triangles 5: Find the area of the triangle

in figure

tan ∠BAC = BC/AB

⇒ tan 30° = h/(5 + x)

⇒ 1/√3 = h/(5 + x)

⇒ 5 + x = h√3

⇒ x = h√3 – 5

tan ∠BPC = BC/PB

⇒ tan 60° = h/x

⇒ √3 = h/x

⇒ x√3 = h

⇒ (h√3 – 5)√3 = h

⇒ 3h – 5√3 = h

⇒ 2h = 5√3

⇒ Height of the triangle ABC, h = (5√3)/2 cm

x = h√3 – 5 = ((5√3)/2)√3 – 5

x = 15/2 – 5

x = 5/2

area of the triangle = (AB × BC)/2

area of the triangle = ((5 + 5/2) × (5√3)/2)/2

area of the triangle = ((15/2) × (5√3)/2)/2

area of the triangle = (75√3)/8 cm²

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