How to Find the Length of the Chord? Common to Semicircle and Circle

Find the length of the chord

Math problem: Find the Length of the Chord? Common to Semicircle and Circle

Find the length of the chord from the figure, If PQ is the common chord of the semicircle and circle

AC is the center of the semicircle, AM = 8 cm, CM = 2 cm and O is the center of the circle

Solution: Length of the chord

Solution Find the Length of the Chord? Common to Semicircle and Circle

Connect OM

Apply the intersecting chords theorem in the figure, then

AM × CM = OM²

⇒ 8 × 2 = OM²

⇒ OM² = 16

⇒ OM = 4 cm

So we get the radius of the circle = 4 cm

Also radius of semicircle = (8 + 2) / 2 = 5 cm

Now connect OP, OB, and PB, and then we get the triangle POB

Heron's formula in triangle

From the figure

OP = 4 cm (radius of the circle)

OB = PB = 5 cm(radius of the semicircle)

So we can find the area of the triangle POB using Heron’s formula

Area of the triangle using heron’s formula is √(s(s–a)(s–b)(s–c)

Here, s = (a + b + c) / 2, a = 5 cm, b = 5 cm and c = 4 cm

Then s = (5 + 5 + 4)/2 = 7

So area = √84 cm²

Connect PQ

PQ is the common chord and OB connects the center of the circle and semicircle so OB is the perpendicular bisector of the chord PQ

so, PQ = 2 × PD

also, the Area of the triangle POB = ½ × OB × PD

That is, √84 = ½ × 5 × PD

So we get PD = 2√84 ÷ 5

Now, PQ = 2 × PD

That is, PQ = (8√21)/5 cm

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