Find the Area Between the Circle and the Parabola Using Integrals

Application of Integration: Definite integral math problem

The figure shows two parabolas and a circle. The circle passes through the parabolas’ vertex and the origin’s center. If parabolas are y = x²/4 – 2 and y = –x²/4 + 2 then find the area between the circle and the parabola using integration

Definite integral math problem: Find the Area Between the Circle and the Parabola Using Integrals

The area between the circle and the parabola

If we need to find the area using integration, then we need the intersection points of the curves

Find the Area Between the Circle and the Parabola Using Integrals

From figure

to find the intersecting points of the parabolas we can equate y = x²/4 – 2 and y = –x²/4 + 2 (we can also equate with the x-axis)

x²/4 – 2 = –x²/4 + 2

x²/2 = 4

x² = 8

x = 2√2

then, y = 0

So intersecting points are (2√2, 0), (-2√2, 0)

that is A = (-2√2, 0) and B = (2√2, 0)

Point C is the intersecting of the parabola and circle (C also belongs to the y-axis)

y = –x²/4 + 2

⇒ y = 0 + 2

that is C = (0, 2) which means the radius of the circle = 2 cm

so the equation of the circle is x² + y² = 4

Application of Integration

The above figure is symmetrical through the x-axis so we can find the area between the circle and parabola is twice the upper shaded area

Now we can find the area of the parabola and the area of the semicircle separately and the difference between them is the upper shaded area

The area of the parabola

Area of the parabola using integration

From the figure, the area of the parabola is

So we got the area of the parabola as (16√2)/3 unit² (Area is always positive)

The area of the semicircle

Area of the semi circle using integration

So the area of the semicircle is unit²

The area of the upper shaded region is (16√2)/3 unit²

thus the area between the parabola and circle is (32√2)/3 unit²